Thursday, March 26, 2009

One last thing and then I'll be quiet (maybe)

Just curious: They (US politicos) like to use Sweden as an ideal comparison for a country in healthcare and taxes that work. A country of approx. 9,045,000 people compared to the US at approx. 303,825,000 people (these are 2008 population estimates). So they have a population that is 2.98% the size of the United States. They are considered a high-tax welfare state. Universal health care works for them as they have a "manageable" population. Oh yes, and once you are 'older', you may not be considered for certain medical procedures because, well, you're just too old.

How does it make sense to hold this as an ideal? Not picking on Sweden, I just don't think the US should use it as an example. Even the Swiss I talk to say that their programs wouldn't work in the US - it's just too big.

And may I just point out that the AIG bone (bonuses) is only .09% (.ooo904) of the total TARP funds AIG received - the accountant in me compels me to share this stat that is never reflected in the media. I know the $$$ sound like a lot to us but makes me wonder what is not being talked about. I'm sure there's some pork out there that's being missed....

OK - got that off my chest - Bart's hoping I won't watch the news anymore. He's tired of listening to me yell at the TV.


Jolyn said...

Oh, my. What good points!

mandy said...

Great point.

Especially the part about you not watching the news anymore! ;)

Anonymous said...

I live in Sweden... I guess the system won't work for such a huge population - but maybe the principle will. And that's what is important...

Still cold and snowy here too!

Hi! It's me, Julie! said...

I love the accountant in you, Susan! You tell it like it is for us that don't crunch numbers!

I was just telling my parents about a stimulus-induced tram project they are throwing around for Des Moines...hello? It will probably cost us 2 million just to hire some people to "think" about the project...but that creates two new jobs, right, so that's progress as promised, right? Don't get me started either! I agree that it's just the beginning of people being unhappy about the campaign of "change"!

Olson Family said...

Point taken LadyFi, and the principle does count. I'm just sad that there weren't enough good principles out there to keep us out of this mess. There are many things happening (being passed/passed already) amidst all this turmoil that won't be noticed for a while.

Living in Switzerland has opened my eyes to many different things. There are many things they do much better than the US that I will miss. But there are aspects that make me feel stifled and not in control of my destiny - it's all been taken care of by the government.
I wish, we , as a large population, could control ourselves (behave) - take care of our health issues responsibly, manage immigration issues, manage our finances and conduct ourselves with pride and dignity - not greed. Then the government wouldn't have to step in and do it for the people. I don't know all the answers - just not happy about what my kids are inheriting.