To explain a bit to the family and friends scratching their heads right now thinking I've gone off my rocker: When you visit and read a Blog, you can leave comments in the comments section. Most of you don't. You are known as "lurkers." I say that in the nicest possible way - I love my lurkers. I'll occasionally leave a comment on someone else's Blog and because our Blog is not restricted (by email subscription), a person can click on the webname that pop's up (swissfamilyolson or susan) and read our Blog. That is how Linds found our Blog (via BooMama) and how we've come to know one another. Via the Internet. A modern day PenPal.
Of course, Rachel's first response when I told her what I did with my day was: "Mom, the internet can be a dangerous place and you shouldn't be meeting strangers from places off the computer." Yeah!! The warnings and education the school IT program gives the kids is working. I then had to justify why Mom "broke the rules" yesterday.
One of the best parts of living overseas has been the International group of people I've met along the way. Learning about different cultural traditions, different lifestyles, history which was not covered in World or American history classes, different vocabulary - this is what I find enjoyable about our experience here.
And as Linds would be in Engleberg - just over an hour away - it seemed like a perfect opportunity.
So off to Engelberg I went.
We drank coffee and talked politics/economy, Switzerland, a bit of S. African history, kids and travel - I felt like we could have talked all day. She is even more intelligent and humorous in person than she comes across in her Blog. With a great smile. I'll be able to imagine her voice (a soft South African accent) and expressions now when I read her Blog. Her sister visiting with us was just as entertaining and served us coffee and apple cake - Thank You M.
We had a great setting to visit in as well. Her sister's house is over-the-top in Christmas decorations (which you can see more of on Linds blog) and make a very warm environment to be in.
I'll leave it to the reader to get to know Linds more via: . Although I feel I want to say more, it was thoroughly fun and at some point I loose the words to express the delight of meeting someone who lives countries away but shares many of the same values, hobbies, aches (knees!) and interests.
What a fun day and lovely experience. Thank You Linds! Hope to do it again in warmer weather as well.
And if you find yourself in Engelberg, visit Duke's ( for some International cuisine - little plug for Linds bro-in-law's new restaurant.
I absolutely loved meeting you too, Susan, and we all had a wonderful morning! I can't believe how the time flew by so fast. Next visit, maybe we will have more time, and I can show you the village and my favourite places. Bring the family too!
PS.... there is always England as well, you know, and Costco!
Hi Susan,
I found you through Linds blog, she's one of my all time favorite bloggers and I just came over from reading about your meeting. I'm so glad you guys got to meet in person, how neat huh?
I'm adding you to my google reader so I can visit more often, you have such a sweet blog :)
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you and your family.
How fun for you! Maybe we'll get to do that someday too!
My daughter calls me a blog-stalker when I read "random people's blogs." But it's fun to make new friends, isn't it?
Hi Suzie!
Thanks for the shout-out for the RPBCups and Tums! I'm glad they met everybody's needs! ha ha!
Hi Susan. Sounds like fun and a little scary. :)
Oh, and btw, your Christmas card will be late. I won't go into details but you can look for it next week. :)
Merr Christmas, Susan!Love from all of us up the mountain!
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