Friday, September 25, 2009

So close and yet so far

So - Are you ready to take a little quiz?

Match the packing picture with the child. Those of you who know the girls will probably have no problem with this but the pictures will offer clues.

Upon being asked to pack for CA this summer, these were the results:

1. 2.
Here are the girls doing their homework:
Can you match the packing photo to the right child?
It amazes me how two people can be so close and yet so totally different. I know it doesn't amaze anyone with kids. We see how different they are every day. I love their differences even though it can drive one insane - I live for nights when everyone is pleased with the dinner choice.
I could have added pic's of their rooms but that would have been a dead give-away. AND, you would see what I let them get away with. I'm not a good enforcer of room rules (other than NO food) and prefer to close their doors rather than fight it.
I love them so much and so very happy to be their mom. Thank You God!


Jolyn said...

Let's see...
Rachel's photo #1 and Kendra #2?

Susan said...

Sisters/daughters - gotta love 'em. I have two of my own back in the U.S. -- daughters, that is! Both grown, and very different from one another. But like the song goes "there were never such devoted sisters".

Your girls are darling. Enjoy them, it goes by so quickly.

Olson Family said...

Jolyn - you're absolutely right.

My sisters and I are different as well. It's just funny and amazing to me all at the same time.