Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Funny - We are so pathetic!

I'll make you wait for the Pathetic part and entertain you with other small events in our lives (and I still haven't finished Vienna but girls start school tomorrow!!!):

1st - History was made this last week as Susan's dad was set up with a laptop and has now entered the information age. He even sent us an email this last week - Yeah! Having 3 kids and 5 grandchildren around the world/different time zones has finally broken him down. Now if Bart's parents ever get online - "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"

The 2nd piece of headline news is that Susan mowed the lawn this week. I must admit to never having mowed an entire lawn myself - EVER! I did once mow the front lawn of our house in Carmichael (I must have been 19) but never made it round the back. That was just a chore my dad in his fatherly wisdom (3 kids with asthma or serious grass allergies) chose to not burden my sisters & I with (probably saved a bit in medical as well). Halfway thru the job, I went in to take a Claritine as I was, uh, starting to suck air instead of breath it. And walking behind gas fumes in the sun combined with the smell of fresh cut grass -Ewww- I jumped into the pool quick! I, however, looked much more fashionable than my husband and should have had Rach take a shot of me mowing in my tank and skirt - cooler than shorts! The sad part was - I was looking for praise from Bart who said "why did you mow the lawn - it wasn't long yet." It was long enough and I needed to know how much more of that yard container I could use for other things! He did thank me after that.

Thirdly, before we reach pathetic, on the way home from church today Bart cranked up a little Tobymac and said "let's rock." He and I are whoopin' it up in the front seat and we get asked to turn it down from the little ones in the back. They think we listen to music too loud! So how much longer is that going to last before the reverse is true?

OK - now for a little pathetic in our lives: Bart made pancakes for breakfast this morning - Yummy. And I am on my last pancake but need a little more syrup to stir it around in (I like syrup :). I ask Bart to pass the syrup and he hesitates, then says "why don't you just use the rest of mine? I got a little too much." We both looked at that bottle of Log Cabin sitting there and started laughing. Now, why would anyone use the syrup off anyone else's plate you ask? He picks up the bottle and declares "it's 2/3rds gone and that's good stuff." Not to mention expensive. We figured the Bisquick cost us about $25 and the Log Cabin $20 when factoring the shipping/weight/box space when we shipped it over from CA in coming back this summer. The KC Masterpiece went in luggage so we figure it was almost free although no less precious. Now, we don't nickel & dime everything but, we cannot replace these items here. OK, so they have maple syrup but it's the real stuff (from Canada even) and does not have that thick, tasty artificial maple syrup flavor.
Soooo - I did it - I just used up the syrup off his plate. How pathetic is that! But now I've admitted it to everyone. Since I can't talk to everyone like I used to - and admit our failings in person, just want to give you a taste of our daily goings on!


Sarah said...

Laughing out loud because on Saturday night I told Caleb to "just dip his waffle in the leftover syrup on my plate!" :) And we don't even have to ship it across the country! Although the Splenda kind that we buy is pricey, but not "ship-it-across-the-country" expensive. :)

Loved this post, Susan! And the "turn the music down" part - priceless!

Sarah said...

P.S. I do have a really great pancake recipe if you ever want it...waffles, too... ;)

Anonymous said...

I can appreciate the not wasting syrup....John says the best thing about eating out with you guys is the smorgasboard left behind by the girls...He can't wait to visit again!!!